Release note Software version 3.15.x.x
for CB-Series only
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SW 3.15.8 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.8
- URCap Software Platform:?
URCap API: no change
URCap SDK: no change
- URSim Linux:??3.15.8
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.8
- User Manuals:?no change?
- Support Log Reader: no change
Key Features
PolyScope GUI
- Removed a 5 second delay, when unlocking all protective stops through the dashboard server. Delay is applied only to the new 'Too Many Protective Stops Within Last 8 Hours (C163)'.
- Introduced a new error code, C163 - 'Too Many Protective Stops Within Last 8 Hours'. Controller counts all occurrences of C153, C157, C158, C159, and C162 for the last 8 hours. If the limit of 50 for each joint is exceeded the new error code is triggered.
SW 3.15.7 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.7
- URCap Software Platform:
- URCap API: no change
- URCap SDK: no change
- URSim Linux: 3.15.7
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.7
- User Manuals: no change
- Support Log Reader: no change
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where certain joint positions may result in longer brake release sequence or in rare cases causing a protective stop immediately after brake release.
SW 3.15.6 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.6
- URCap Software Platform:
- URCap API: no change
- URCap SDK: no change
- URSim Linux: 3.15.6
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.6
- User Manuals: no change
- Support Log Reader: no change
Bug Fixes
PolyScope GUI
- Fixed log4j2 Security Vulnerability CVE-2021-44228.
SW 3.15.5 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.5
- URCap Software Platform:
- URCap API: no change
- URCap SDK: no change
- URSim Linux: 3.15.5
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.5
- User Manuals: 3.15.5
- Support Log Reader: no change
Bug Fixes
PolyScope GUI
- Moved "Mold area free" IMMI signals from Safety to Control section of the IMMI IO Tab, to correctly represent?that the “Mold area free” signals are not safety-related.?
- Changed C57A1: Brake release failure from a warning to an error.
- Fixed the missing?servoc?command in the ScriptManual.
- Corrected User Manuals for CB3 robots with Euromap 67 interface and IMMI Installation Guide to correctly represent MAF signal as not safety related.
SW 3.15.4 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.4
- URCap Software Platform:?
- URCap API: no change
- URCap SDK: no change
- URSim Linux: 3.15.4
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.4
- User Manuals: 3.15.4
?Bug Fixes
- Introduced script function freedrive_mode_no_incorrect_payload_check() to facilitate application where the user is pushing the robot while entering freedrive mode.
SW 3.15.3 Release Notes
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.3
- URCap Software Platform:?
- URCap API: 1.12.0
- URCap SDK: 1.2.0
- URSim Linux: 3.15.3
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.3
- User Manuals: 3.15.0
?Bug Fixes
PolyScope GUI
- Fixed issue where Polycope would freeze when a program with a certain combination of If-Else/Folder/Popup nodes was running.
- Fixed issue where the user in some situations was not requested to auto move the robot to the first fixed position waypoint in the program, if the waypoint was contained under the BeforeStart node.
- Fixed issue where PolyScope in some situations would freeze when single-stepping a Waypoint node, if the program only contained Move (and Waypoint) nodes
- Fixed a controller crash on running programs with many threads e.g. continuous-if, pulse output, etc.
- RTDE Float output and input registers were sent and received as double precision numbers, but internally stored as single precision
- Improved encoder readings
- Soft Parking to improve brake release on Size 4 joints?
- Primary interface documentation: data type for field in PopupMessage, and RequestValueMessage corrected.
Date created: 31st March 2021?
RELEASE NOTES 3.15.1 - 04/2021
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.1
- URCap Software Platform:
- URCap API: 1.12.0
- URCap SDK: 1.12.0
- URSim Linux:?3.15.0
- URSim Virtual Machine:?3.15.0
- User Manuals:?3.15.0
- Support Log Reader: 3.10.33
?Bug Fixes
PolyScope GUI
- Optimized disc usage to free up more space for 3rd party applications
- Fixed memory leak under high-load scenario using textmsg/varmsg. If the high load scenario is encountered a warning 'GUI Communication High Load' will be displayed in the controller log
Date created: 13th March 2021?
RELEASE NOTES 3.15.0 - 03/2021
Release Versions:
- UR Software Update: 3.15.0
- URCap Software Platform:?
- URCap API: 1.12.0
- URCap SDK: 1.12.0
- URSim Linux: 3.15.0
- URSim Virtual Machine: 3.15.0
- User Manuals: 3.15.0
- Support Log Reader:?3.10.32
Key Features
- Validation of URCaps: Users are prevented from installing incompatible or corrupt URCaps
- Improved handling of URCap startup errors: Helps user diagnose and resolve issues with URCaps
PolyScope GUI
Improved error handling for URCaps
Prevention of installation of incompatible/erroneous URCaps
- Users are prevented from installing URCaps?that will not work with their robot.
A URCap will not be installable from?the URCap Setup screen in the following cases:
- The URCap requires a higher version of the URCap API (than the version provided by PolyScope)
- The URCap is not compatible with the robot series (generation) of the user's robot
- The URCap package file?(.urcap?file) has an internal error or the file is not a valid URCap package file
- An identical URCap is already installed with a different file name
- The URCap cannot be installed due to file or file system related issues (such as not enough available disk space)
Note: It is only possible to prevent the installation of a URCap, which is incompatible with the robot series of the user's robot, if the?URCap has specified its compatibility. This might not be the case for all URCaps.
Improved feedback for URCap startup errors
Provided better feedback when a URCap fails to start after it has been installed. Information about the startup error appears in the following places inPolyScope:
- An error dialog is displayed when PolyScope starts
- The Log tab contains a corresponding log entry
- In the URCap Setup screen, the URCap with the startup error is indicated with an error status icon in the "Active URCaps" list and the error message is provided in the top of the "URCap Information" panel.
Log tab improvements
Improved the layout and information provided in the Log tab when an error occurs in a URCap.
Changed how URCap information is displayed (i.e. URCap name, URCap version, etc.) for the following type of errors:
- An unhandled/uncaught Java exception in a URCap?
- A compile/runtime error in the script code generated by a URCap
Changed the information displayed for unhandled/uncaught?Java exceptions in URCaps:
- The log entry text is now "Unhandled exception occurred in URCap '<URCap name>' (where "<URCap name>" is the name of the URCap) instead of showing information about the exception
- In the tooltip (that appears when the log entry is pressed), information about the exception is provided in the "Explanation" section and a "Stack Trace" header is added for the section showing the stack trace
URCap Software Platform
Added support for getting joint positions of Waypoint Nodes
- URCaps can access the joint positions of a?Waypoint Node corresponding to the defined Cartesian location of the waypoint
- See the new?getJointPositions()method in the existing?FixedPositionDefinedWaypointNodeConfig?interface (in the
Added configuration support for the "Hide Folder Program Tree" option on Folder Nodes
- URCaps can configure the?"Hide Folder Program Tree" option thereby controlling whether or not the subtree of the Folder Node is hidden (i.e. whether or not the child nodes under the Folder Node are visible in the Program Tree in PolyScope)
- URCaps can read the configuration of the?"Hide Folder Program Tree" option
- See the new?isSubtreeHidden()?and?setSubtreeHidden(boolean) methods in the existing?FolderNode interface (in the?com.ur.urcap.api.domain.program.nodes.builtin?package)
Added?@since?tag to Javadoc
Introduced the?@since?tag in Javadoc for API interfaces/classes and their members, such as methods and enums.?The @since ?tag specifies which version of the URCap API a particular API functionality was added.?This enables a developer to identify from which version a given functionality is available.
The following changes has been introduced:
- The Javadoc header for all interfaces/classes now contains the?@since tag with the version in which the interface/class was introduced
- The Javadoc for any member (e.g. a method or enum) added to an interface/class after it was introduced now contains the?@since tag with the version when the new member was added
- Javadoc for a member of a interface/class will only contain the?@since tag, if the member was added to the interface/class in a later version than when the interface/class was introduced.
- If the Javadoc for an interface/class member does not contain the?@since?tag, the member was available from the version specified by the?@since?tag?in the Javadoc header for the?interface/class.
PolyScope support for URCaps
Robot Series Compatibility
Enabled URCaps to specify their compatibility with Universal Robots robots from the e-Series and CB3 robot series.
This functionality is introduced to?provide a good?user experience for the URCap installation process by ensuring that users cannot install?a URCap that is not compatible with their robot (and/or Universal Robots offline simulator). Users will be prevented from installing an incompatible URCap.?When specifying the robot series compatibility for a URCap, it should be considered, if the URCap depends on specific hardware and/or software functionality, which is only available on a specific robot series (e.g., only available on e-Series robots).
The following new functionality is introduced:
- A URCap must now mandatorily specify which robot series the URCap is compatible with (i.e. which robot series the URCap can run on)
- A URCap can specify its compatibility using two new boolean compatibility flags which are defined as properties in the?pom.xml Maven configuration file in the URCap project
- More detailed information is available in the URCap SDK:?
- See the new "12.1: Robot Series Compatibility" section in the?(Swing- and HTML-based) URCap tutorial
- See the new script for updating an existing URCap to support the new compatibility flags
- A URCap must specify its compatibility with both the e-Series and CB3 robot series
- URCaps?depending on URCap API version 1.12.0 (which is included in this release) or higher will be prevented from starting or being installed, if the compatibility flags are not present/specified. Existing URCaps using older URCap API versions will not be affected.
Improved URCap error handling
When an unhandled/uncaught?Java exception occurs in a URCap, a "filtered" stack trace (only showing code lines in the URCap) is now provided in the console output for the exception. Previously, the stack trace contained internal code lines from PolyScope.
Better feedback is now provided when a URCap fails to start during PolyScope startup after it has been installed/deployed, e.g. using Maven. The following type of errors are detected:
- The URCap requires a higher version of the URCap API (than the API version provided by PolyScope)
- The URCap is not compatible with the (robot series of the) user's robot
- The URCap needs a 3rd party dependency which is not available or not available in the correct version
- The required robot series compatibility flags are missing (not specified) in the URCap's pom.xmlfile
- An invalid value has been specified for a required robot series compatibility flag
- The URCap encountered an exception in the Activator
- The URCap file?(.urcap?file) has an internal error or the file is not a valid URCap file. Typically the OSGi bundle manifest file (META-INF/MANIFEST.MF) is invalid, e.g. due to wrong/missing data or invalid syntax.
- Wrong Activator path specified in the URCap's pom.xml file
- An identical URCap with same symbolic name and version is already installed with a different file name
Many of the errors detected at startup can also be detected when installing a URCap?from?the URCap Setup screen in PolyScope. If such an error is detected during installation, the URCap will be prevented from being installed. The following errors can be detected at install time:
- The URCap requires a higher version of the URCap API (than the API version provided by PolyScope)
- The URCap is not compatible with the (robot series of the) user's robot
- The required robot series compatibility flags is missing (not specified) in the URCap's pom.xml file
- An invalid value has been specified for a required robot series compatibility flag
- The URCap file?(.urcap?file) has an internal error or the file is not a valid URCap file.
- The URCap cannot be installed due to file or file system related issues (such as not enough available disk space)
Information about the startup error is provided in the following places:
- An error dialog is displayed when PolyScope starts
- The Log tab in PolyScope contains a corresponding log entry
- In the URCap Setup screen in PolyScope, the URCap with the startup error is indicated with an error status icon in the "Active URCaps" list and the error message is provided in the top of the "URCap Information" panel
- The error is logged to the console
Note: All JAR files ( .jar files) in the .urcaps folder will be considered a URCap and attempted to be started when PolyScope boots up. This implies the following minor behavior changes for files present in the?.urcaps ?folder:?
- Any "regular" JAR file (a file which is not a URCap) will generate a startup error when PolyScope starts up
- Any non-JAR file will be ignored, i.e. it will not be attempted to be started
Changed how section references are displayed in all SDK documents:
- Section references are now shown in blue with both the section number and title, e.g. "14. Troubleshooting".?
Updated the?(Swing- and HTML-based) URCap tutorial:
- Added information about robot series compatibility for URCaps:
- Updated section "11. Creating new thin Projects using a Maven Archetype" and added new section "12.1. Robot Series Compatibility" with description of robot series compatibility and how to specify a URCap's compatibility
- Updated section "11. Creating new thin Projects using a Maven Archetype" with images of the dialogs that appear when the? script is used
- Corrected the reference to the Universal Robots+ website in section "2. Prerequisites"
Updated the "URCap Gripper Driver" document (gripper_driver.pdf?file) and?"URCap Screwdriver Driver" (screwdriver_driver.pdf) documents:
- Added new section "2. General Information about URCap Development" which provides references to general information about development of URCaps in the URCap tutorial.
Updated the "Using a Device in a Template" document (using_device_in_template.pdf file):
- Added new section "4.1: Capability Support" which describes how to access and configure a capability supported by a PolyScope device from a template program node
- Added new script which provides a convenient way of updating existing URCap to support the new robot series compatibility flags?
- Updated the script:
- Added a new "URCap Compatibility" dialog where the new URCap's compatibility with the e-Series and CB3 robot series can be specified
- The script will automatically add the corresponding robot series compatibility flags to the pom.xml file in the generated new URCap project
- Updated the text in the list in? the "API Version" dialog to reflect the compatibility chosen in the new "URCap Compatibility" dialog
URCap Samples
Specified robot series compatibility for all URCap samples:
- Updated all URCap samples to support the new robot series compatibility flags.
- All samples specify that the URCap is compatible with both e-Series and CB3 robots
The HTML-based?Ellipse URCap sample now configures the TCP setting of the Move node to "Use active TCP" instead of "Ignore active TCP".
- Added option for specifying payload inertia matrix using the URScript-function set_target_payload(). This will improve performance and reduce risk of protective stops in applications where payload center of mass is close to the z-axis of any of the wrist joints.
- Using the servol URScript command no longer causes a controller segmentation fault
Bug Fixes
PolyScope GUI
- Fixed issue where features with an undefined position was selectable in the Move tab and the Pose Editor screen
- Fixed issue where the "Unsaved Installation Changes" dialog would be displayed every time just before the robot was restarted/powered off, if the auto initialize (auto brake release) of the robot arm was enabled (under Startup) in the installation
- Fixed issue where it was possible to add a Folder node at the top level in the Program Tree (i.e. at the same level as the Robot Program root node). Now, when the Robot Program root node is selected in the Program Tree and a new Folder node is added, the new Folder node will automatically be inserted under the Robot Program node
- Fixed issue where an incorrect position?in some situations would be shown?for a linked Waypoint node?instead of the position of the Waypoint node it was linked to.
- Fixed issue where resuming a program could immediately result in a protective stop.
- Fixed issue where calling the set_payload() URScript-function without offset parameter, would make all subsequent calls to set_tcp() modify payload center of gravity even if payload center of gravity had been set in another way since the call.
- Fixed issue with single row matrix multiplication.
- Fixed issue where RTDE joint mode data would incorrectly contain the joint mode of the Base joint in the fields for all joints.
- ?When resuming program or increasing speed with the speed slider, acceleration will now be less aggressive, with less risk of triggering a Protective stop.
- ?Robot brakes more softly when releasing the Freedrive button during movement. Before the robot was braking with maximum deceleration, which caused very hard stopping behavior.
- Fixed issue where Controller inputs for Safeguard Stop and Operational Mode where not properly read while robot arm was powered off.
- ?In older versions, detecting wrong payload (like dropped payload during the movement) may require considerable robot movement before the robot stops. From this version, in the same scenario, robot stops after a minimal movement.??
Support Log Reader (SLR)
- Fixed issue where messages logged when the safety mode changed were incorrect decoded ("Safety Mode changed to Normal Mode" was always shown)
- Fixed issue where unexpanded log entries for errors in URCaps were displayed with HTML tags (such as <p> and <b>)
URCap Software Platform
- Fixed issues with the?"Unhandled exception in URCap" error dialog?displayed when?an unhandled/uncaught?Java exception occurred in a URCap's implementation of the?GripperContribution?or?ScrewdriverContribution?interface:
- Some of the information about the URCap could sometimes be incorrect or missing
- Sometimes the shown stack trace?contained internal code lines from PolyScope instead of showing a "filtered" stack trace (with only code lines from the URCap
- Fixed issues with tooltip error messages for validation of the input fields for configuring gripper capabilities (such as width and force) in the Gripper node:
- A tooltip error message was incorrectly displayed when the input field was cleared on the keypad
- A tooltip error message was not displayed when an invalid value was entered with the keypad
- Fixed issue where PolyScope would fail to start, if an installed URCap's implementation of the getTitle() method in the ProgramNodeService / SwingProgramNodeService?interface returned the value null. Now, an error dialog with a runtime exception is displayed once when PolyScope starts up.
- Fixed issue where the installation would be become inaccessible due to a?recurring unhandled null pointer exception, if an installed Swing-based URCap's implementation of the getTitle() method in the?SwingInstallationNodeService?interface returned the value null. Now an error dialog with a runtime exception is displayed once when PolyScope starts up.
- Fixed issue where the UI provided by a URCap was not replaced by the "There is an error with the URCap that contributes this node" error screen (which displays information about URCap errors), if an installed HTML-based URCap's implementation of the getTitle() method in the InstallationNodeService?interface returned the value null.
- Fixed issue where there was a small delay before child nodes appeared under their URCap parent node in the Program Tree the first time the URCap node inserted children into its sub-tree
- Fixed issue where a URCap would still appear in the "Active URCaps" list in the URCap Setup screen after it was manually deleted from the .urcaps folder
- Release Notes Software Version 3.14
- Release Notes Software Version 3.13
- Release Notes Software Version 3.12
- Release Notes Software Version 3.11
- Release Notes Software Version 3.10
- Release Notes Software Version 3.9
- Release Notes Software Version 3.8
- Release Notes Software Version 3.7
- Release Notes Software Version 3.6
- Release Notes Software Version 3.5
- Release Notes Software Version 3.4
- Release Notes Software Version 3.3
- Release Notes Software Version 3.2
- Release Notes Software Version 3.1
- Release Notes Software Version 3.0