Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) Guide
This is a guide on how to use the data synchronization protocol of the UR controller
Created Date: October 10th, 2019.
This is a guide on how to use the data synchronization protocol of the UR controller e.g. when developing URCaps/UR+ for Universal Robots.
NOTE: All files are available for download at the bottom of this page.
Examples are valid for:
CB3 Software version: from 3.4 forward
e-Series Software versions: All versions
Note that newer software versions may behave differently.
The RTDE is available on CB3/CB3.1 from software 3.4, but specific features may only be available in newer software versions.
The RTDE synchronize external executables with the UR controller, for instance URCaps, without breaking any real-time properties. This document first describes the protocol and then provides a Python client reference implementation.
To have an?overview of used ports on local host?please read this post in the UR FORUM:?
Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE)
- Introduction
- Key features
- Field names and associated types
- Robot controller inputs
- Robot controller outputs
- Data types
- Protocol
- Header
- RTDE_TEXT_MESSAGE (protocol v. 1)
- RTDE_TEXT_MESSAGE (protocol v. 2)
- RTDE client Python module
The Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDE) interface provides a way to synchronize external applications with the UR controller over a standard TCP/IP connection, without breaking any real-time properties of the UR controller. This functionality is among others useful for interacting with fieldbus drivers (e.g. Ethernet/IP), manipulating robot I/O and plotting robot status (e.g. robot trajectories). The RTDE interface is by default available when the UR controller is running.
The synchronization is configurable and can for example involve the following data:
- Output: robot-, joint-, tool- and safety status, analog and digital I/O's and general purpose output registers
- Input: digital and analog outputs and general purpose input registers
The RTDE functionality is split in two stages: a setup procedure and a synchronization loop.
On connection to the RTDE interface, the client is responsible for setting up the variables to be synchronized. Any combination of input and output registers that the client needs to write and read, respectively, can be specified. To achieve this the client sends a setup list of named input and output fields that should be contained in the actual data synchronization packages. The definition of a synchronization data package format is referred to as a recipe. There is a maximum limit of 2048 bytes to represent the list of inputs/outputs field names a client would like to subscribe to. In return the RTDE interface replies with a list of the variable types or specifies that a specific variable has not been found. Each input recipe that has been successfully configured will get a unique recipe id. The list of supported field names and their associated data types can be found below. When the setup is complete the data synchronization can be started and paused.
When the synchronization loop is started, the RTDE interface sends the client the requested data in the same order it was requested by the client. Furthermore the client is expected to send updated inputs to the RTDE interface on a change of value. The data synchronization uses serialized binary data.
All packages share the same general structure with a header and a payload if applicable. The packages used for the setup procedure generate a return message. The synchronization loop packages do not. Both client and server may at any time send a text message, whereby the warning level specifies the severity of the problem. The RTDE is available on port number 30004.
To get started we recommend using or modify the provided client sample written in Python. You can clone the repository at this link using git:
git clone?
Or in alternative you can download the release as a .zip package here.
Key features
- Real-time synchronization: The RTDE generally generates output messages on 125 Hz. However, the real-time loop in the controller has a higher priority than the RTDE interface. Therefore, if the controller lacks computational resources it will skip a number of output packages. The skipped packages will not be sent later, the controller will always send the most recent data. Input packages will always be processed in the control cycle they are received, so the load for the controller will vary depending on the number of received packages.
- Input messages: The updating of variables in the controller can be divided into multiple messages. One can have one message to update everything or a message per variable or any division in between. There is no need for a constant update rate; inputs keep their last received value. Note: Only one RTDE client is allowed to control a specific variable at any time.
- Runtime environment: An RTDE client may run on the UR Control Box PC or on any external PC. The advantage of running the RTDE client on the Control Box is no network latency. However, the RTDE client and UR controller will compete for computational resources. Please make sure that the RTDE client runs with standard operating system priority. Computationally intensive processes, e.g. image processing, should be run on an external PC.
- Protocol changes: The RTDE protocol might be updated at any time by UR. To guarantee maximum compatibility for your RTDE client, RTDE clients can request the RTDE interface to speak a specific protocol version. Protocol additions / changes are explicitly denoted, otherwise version 1 is assumed.
Field names and associated types
Robot controller inputs
Name |
Type |
Comment |
Introduced in version |
speed_slider_mask |
UINT32 |
0 = don't change speed slider with this input 1 = use speed_slider_fraction to set speed slider value |
? |
speed_slider_fraction |
new speed slider value |
? |
standard_digital_output_mask |
Standard digital output bit mask |
? |
configurable_digital_output_mask |
Configurable digital output bit mask |
? |
standard_digital_output |
Standard digital outputs |
? |
configurable_digital_output |
Configurable digital outputs |
? |
standard_analog_output_mask |
Standard analog output mask Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0 | standard_analog_output_1 |
? |
standard_analog_output_type |
Output domain {0=current[mA], 1=voltage[V]} Bits 0-1: standard_analog_output_0 | standard_analog_output_1 |
? |
standard_analog_output_0 |
Standard analog output 0 (ratio) [0..1] |
? |
standard_analog_output_1 |
Standard analog output 1 (ratio) [0..1] |
? |
input_bit_registers0_to_31 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits This range of the boolean input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. |
? |
input_bit_registers32_to_63 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits This range of the boolean input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. |
? |
input_bit_register_X |
64 general purpose bits X: [64..127] - The upper range of the boolean input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
input_int_register_X |
INT32 |
48 general purpose integer registers X: [24..47] - The upper range of the integer input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
input_double_register_X |
48 general purpose double registers X: [0..23] - The lower range of the double input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the double input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
external_force_torque |
Input external wrench when using ft_rtde_input_enable builtin. |
3.3 |
Robot controller outputs
Name |
Type |
Comment |
Introduced in version |
timestamp |
Time elapsed since the controller was started [s] |
? |
target_q |
Target joint positions |
? |
target_qd |
Target joint velocities |
? |
target_qdd |
Target joint accelerations |
? |
target_current |
Target joint currents |
? |
target_moment |
Target joint moments (torques) |
? |
actual_q |
Actual joint positions |
? |
actual_qd |
Actual joint velocities |
? |
actual_current |
Actual joint currents |
? |
actual_current_window |
Actual current window |
? |
joint_control_output |
Joint control currents |
? |
actual_TCP_pose |
Actual Cartesian coordinates of the tool: (x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotation vector representation of the tool orientation |
? |
actual_TCP_speed |
Actual speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates. The speed is given in [m/s] and the rotational part of the TCP speed (rx, ry, rz) is the angular velocity given in [rad/s] |
? |
actual_TCP_force |
Generalized forces in the TCP. It compensates the measurement for forces and torques generated by the?payload |
? |
target_TCP_pose |
Target Cartesian coordinates of the tool: (x,y,z,rx,ry,rz), where rx, ry and rz is a rotation vector representation of the tool orientation |
? |
target_TCP_speed |
Target speed of the tool given in Cartesian coordinates.?The speed is given in [m/s] and the rotational part of the TCP speed (rx, ry, rz) is the angular velocity given in [rad/s] |
? |
actual_digital_input_bits |
UINT64 |
Current state of the digital inputs.?0-7: Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool |
? |
joint_temperatures |
Temperature of each joint in degrees Celsius |
? |
actual_execution_time |
Controller real-time thread execution time |
? |
robot_mode |
INT32 |
Robot mode |
? |
joint_mode |
Joint control modes |
? |
safety_mode |
INT32 |
Safety mode |
? |
safety_status |
INT32 |
Safety status |
3.10.0 / 5.4.0 |
actual_tool_accelerometer |
Tool x, y and z accelerometer values |
? |
speed_scaling |
Speed scaling of the trajectory limiter |
? |
target_speed_fraction |
Target speed fraction |
? |
actual_momentum |
Norm of Cartesian linear momentum |
? |
actual_main_voltage |
Safety Control Board: Main voltage |
? |
actual_robot_voltage |
Safety Control Board: Robot voltage (48V) |
? |
actual_robot_current |
Safety Control Board: Robot current |
? |
actual_joint_voltage |
Actual joint voltages |
? |
actual_digital_output_bits |
UINT64 |
Current state of the digital outputs.?0-7: Standard, 8-15: Configurable, 16-17: Tool |
? |
runtime_state |
UINT32 |
Program state |
? |
elbow_position |
Position of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates |
3.5.0 / 5.0.0 |
elbow_velocity |
Velocity of robot elbow in Cartesian Base Coordinates |
3.5.0 / 5.0.0 |
robot_status_bits |
UINT32 |
Bits 0-3:? Is power on | Is program running | Is teach button pressed | Is power button pressed |
? |
safety_status_bits |
UINT32 |
Bits 0-10: Is normal mode | Is reduced mode | Is protective stopped | Is recovery mode |?Is safeguard stopped |?Is system emergency stopped |?Is robot emergency stopped |?Is emergency stopped |?Is violation |?Is fault |?Is stopped due to safety |
? |
analog_io_types |
UINT32 |
Bits 0-3: analog input 0 | analog input 1 | analog output 0 |?analog output 1, {0=current[mA], 1=voltage[V]} |
? |
standard_analog_input0 |
Standard analog input 0 [mA or V] |
? |
standard_analog_input1 |
Standard analog input 1 [mA or V] |
? |
standard_analog_output0 |
Standard analog output 0 [mA or V] |
? |
standard_analog_output1 |
Standard analog output 1 [mA or V] |
? |
io_current |
I/O current [mA] |
? |
euromap67_input_bits |
UINT32 |
? | |
euromap67_output_bits |
UINT32 |
? | |
euromap67_24V_voltage |
Euromap 24V voltage [V] |
? |
euromap67_24V_current |
Euromap 24V current [mA] |
? |
tool_mode |
UINT32 |
Tool mode |
? |
tool_analog_input_types |
UINT32 |
Output domain {0=current[mA], 1=voltage[V]} Bits 0-1: tool_analog_input_0 | tool_analog_input_1 |
? |
tool_analog_input0 |
Tool analog input 0 [mA or V] |
? |
tool_analog_input1 |
Tool analog input 1 [mA or V] |
? |
tool_output_voltage |
INT32 |
Tool output voltage [V] |
? |
tool_output_current |
Tool current [mA] |
? |
tool_temperature |
Tool temperature in degrees Celsius |
? |
tcp_force_scalar |
TCP force scalar [N] |
? |
output_bit_registers0_to_31 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits |
? |
output_bit_registers32_to_63 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits |
? |
output_bit_register_X (X=[64 .. 127]) |
64 general purpose bits X: [64..127] - The upper range of the boolean output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
output_int_register_X (X=[0 .. 47]) |
INT32 |
48 general purpose integer registers X: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer output registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the integer output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
output_double_register_X (X=[0 .. 47]) |
48 general purpose double registers X: [0..23] - The lower range of the double output registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the double output registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
input_bit_registers0_to_31 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits (input read back) This range of the boolean input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. |
3.4.0 |
input_bit_registers32_to_63 |
UINT32 |
General purpose bits (input read back) This range of the boolean input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. |
3.4.0 |
input_bit_register_X? (X=[64 .. 127]) |
?64 general purpose bits X: [64..127] - The upper range of the boolean input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
input_int_register_X? (X=[0 .. 48]) |
INT32 |
48 general purpose integer registers? X: [0..23] - The lower range of the integer input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the integer input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
input_double_register_X (X=[0 .. 48]) |
?48 general purpose double registers? X: [0..23] - The lower range of the double input registers is reserved for FieldBus/PLC interface usage. X: [24..47] - The upper range of the double input registers can be used by external RTDE clients (i.e URCAPS). |
[0..23] 3.4.0 [24..47] 3.9.0 / 5.3.0 |
tool_output_mode |
The current output mode |
? |
tool_digital_output0_mode |
The current mode of digital output 0 |
? |
tool_digital_output1_mode |
The current mode of digital output 1 |
? |
payload |
Payload mass Kg |
3.11.0 / 5.5.1 |
payload_cog |
Payload Center of Gravity (CoGx, CoGy, CoGz) m |
3.11.0 / 5.5.1 |
payload_inertia |
Payload inertia matrix elements (Ixx,Iyy,Izz,Ixy,Ixz,Iyz] expressed in kg*m^2 |
3.15 / 5.11 |
script_control_line |
UINT32 |
Script line number that is actually in control of the robot given the robot is locked by one of the threads in the script. If no thread is locking the robot this field is set to '0'. Script line number should not be confused with program tree line number displayed on polyscope. |
3.14.0 / 5.9.0 |
ft_raw_wrench |
Raw force and torque measurement given in the Tool Flange frame. Not compensated for forces and torques caused by the?payload. Not zeroed by zero_ftsensor(). |
5.9.0 |
joint_position_deviation_ratio |
A non-negative double precision floating point value which can be used to monitor how close the robot is to triggering a C153 or C159 "joint position deviation" protective stop. A protective stop is triggered if the value is ever equal to or exceeds 1.0. |
? |
collision_detection_ratio |
A non-negative double precision floating point value which can be used to monitor how close the robot is to triggering a C157 or C158 "collision detected" protective stop. A protective stop is triggered if the value is ever equal to or exceeds 1.0. |
5.15.0 |
time_scale_source |
INT32 |
Integer value specifying the reason for speed scaling the planned trajectory. -1 = Other 0 = No program running 1 = Not speed scaled 2 = Joint torque limit 3 = Joint acceleration limit 4 = Power supply limit 5 = Safety limit: Momentum 6 = Safety limit: Stopping Time 7 = Safety limit: Stopping Distance 8 = Safety limit: Tool Speed 9 = Safety limit: Elbow Speed 10 = Safety limit: Joint speed 11 = Transition between safety states 50 and above = Dynamic limitation not related to safety or hardware limitations |
5.17.0 |
Data types
Name |
Type |
Size in bits |
0 = False, everything else = True |
8 |
unsigned integer |
8 |
UINT32 |
unsigned integer |
32 |
UINT64 |
unsigned integer |
64 |
INT32 |
signed integer, two's complement |
32 |
IEEE 754 floating point |
64 |
3x64 |
6x64 |
6xINT32 |
6x32 |
6xUINT32 |
6x32 |
ASCII char array |
lengthx8 |
Network byte order:?Data are always sent in network byte order, so big-endian. If you read raw data directly from the socket you will see it in big-endian, and you might need to convert to little. UR's rtde-client library will do the conversion to little.
EE = External Executable
CON = Robot Controller
Output: CON -> EE
Input: CON <- EE
Field name |
Data Type |
package size |
uint16_t |
package type |
uint8_t |
Summary: All packages use the header.
Supported package types are:
Package Type |
Value (DEC) |
ASCII equivalent |
86 |
V |
118 |
v |
77 |
M |
85 |
U |
79 |
O |
73 |
I |
83 |
S |
80 |
P |
Direction: Bilateral
Return: Not available
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
protocol version |
uint16_t |
Summary: Request the controller to work with "protocol version"
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
accepted |
uint8_t |
Summary: The controller accepts or not, i.e. either 1 (success) or 0 (failed). On success, the EE should speak the specified protocol version and the CON will answer in that version.
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
Summary: Retrieves the CON major, minor, bugfix and build number.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
major |
uint32_t |
minor |
uint32_t |
bugfix |
uint32_t |
build |
uint32_t |
Summary: The major, minor, bugfix and build number.
RTDE_TEXT_MESSAGE (protocol v. 1)
Direction: CON -> EE
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
message type |
uint8_t |
message |
string |
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
message?length |
uint8_t |
message |
string |
source length |
uint8_t |
source |
string |
warning level |
uint8_t |
Summary: Send an exception, error, warning or info message.?
EE->CON: Exceptions indicate EE program failure without recovery possibilities. Error, warning and info will end up in the PolyScope log.
CON -> EE: Indicates mainly different kinds of protocol failures.
Direction: See above
Return: Not available.
RTDE_TEXT_MESSAGE (protocol v. 2)
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
message?length |
uint8_t |
message |
string |
source length |
uint8_t |
source |
string |
warning level |
uint8_t |
Summary: Send an exception, error, warning or info message.?
EE->CON: Exceptions indicate EE program failure without recovery possibilities. Error, warning and info will end up in the PolyScope log.
CON -> EE: Indicates mainly different kinds of protocol failures.
Direction: Bilateral
Return: Not available.
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
recipe id |
uint8_t |
<variable> |
<data type> |
Summary: An update to the CON/EE inputs respectively.
The <variable>s are packaged/serialized binary and match the type specified by the SETUP_OUTPUTS or SETUP_INPUTS requests return.
Direction: Bilateral
Return: Not available
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
variable names |
string |
Summary: Setup the outputs recipe. At the moment the CON only supports one output recipe. The package should contain all desired output variables. The variables names is a list of comma separated variable name strings.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
variable types |
string |
Summary: Returns the variable types in the same order as they were supplied in the request.
If a variable is not available, then the variable type will be "NOT_FOUND".
In case of one or more "NOT_FOUND" return values, the recipe is considered invalid and the RTDE will not output this data.
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
output frequency |
double |
variable names |
string |
Summary: Setup the outputs recipe. At the moment the CON only supports one output recipe and the output frequency is configurable. For CB-Series robots the frequency must be between 1 and 125 Hz and the output rate will be according to floor (125 / frequency), while for e-Series robots the frequency can go up to 500 Hz. The package should contain all desired output variables. The variable names is a list of comma separated variable name strings.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
output recipe id |
uint8_t |
variable types |
string |
Summary: Returns the variable types in the same order as they were supplied in the request.
If a variable is not available, then the variable type will be "NOT_FOUND".
In case of one or more "NOT_FOUND" return values, the recipe is considered invalid and the RTDE will not output this data (output recipe id = 0).
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
variable names |
string |
Summary: Setup a CON input recipe.The CON supports 255 different input recipes (0 is reserved). The variables names is a list of comma separated variable name strings.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
input recipe id |
uint8_t |
variable types |
string |
Summary: Returns the variable types in the same order as they were supplied in the request.
If a variable has been claimed by another EE, then the variable type will be "IN_USE".
If a variable is not available, then the variable type will be "NOT_FOUND".
In case of one or more "IN_USE" or "NOT_FOUND" return values, the recipe is considered invalid (input recipe id = 0).
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
Summary: Request the controller to start sending output updates. This will fail if e.g. an output package has not been configured yet.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
accepted |
uint8_t |
Summary: The CON accepts or not. Either 1 (success) or 0 (failed).
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
Summary: Request the CON to pause sending output updates.
Direction: EE -> CON
Field name |
Data Type |
Header |
See above |
accepted |
uint8_t |
Summary: The CON will always accept a pause command and return a 1 (success).
RTDE client Python module
RTDE clients can be implemented in different languages that support socket communication. The purpose of this RTDE client library, written in Python, is to provide an easy starting point and show some example applications. The functionality has been developed for Python 2.7.11.
Use this script as an executable to record output data from the robot and save it to a csv file.
Optional arguments
- --host: name of host or IP address to connect to (default: localhost)
- --port: port number (default: 30004)
- --samples: specific number of samples to record (otherwise the program will record data until receiving SIGINT/Ctrl+C)
- --frequency: the sampling frequency in Herz
- --config: XML configuration file to use - it will use the recipe with key 'out' (default: record_configuration.xml)
- --output: data output file to write to - an existing file will be overwritten (default: robot_data.csv)
- --verbose: enable info logging output to console
- -h: display help
Provides a simple way to read and plot the data from a csv file recorded with the
Example of a simple control loop. A configuration with two input recipes and one output recipe is read from XML file and sent to the RTDE server. The control loop consist of a blocking read followed by some very simple data processing before sending new information to the robot.
rtde module
This section describes the different classes and their public interfaces of the rtde module.
class csv_reader.CSVReader(csvfile, delimiter)
Reads the CSV file and maps each column into an entry in the namespace dictionary of the object. The column header are the dictionary key and the value is an array of data points in the column.
Input parameters:
- csvfile (file): Any file-like object that has a read() method.
- delimiter (string): A one-character string used to separate fields. It defaults to ' '.
class csv_writer.CSVWriter(csvfile, names, types, delimiter)
Returns a writer object that can take RTDE DataObjects and convert them into delimited string and write them to a file like object.
Input parameters:
- csvfile (file): Any file-like object that has a write() method.
- names (array<string>): list of variable names
- types (array<string>): list of variable types
- delimiter (string): A one-character string used to separate fields. It defaults to ' '.
Write column headers to current line in file based on variable names. Multidimensional variables will get an index appended to the name in each column.
Write a new row to the file based on the provided DataObject.
Input parameters:
- data_object (DataObject): Data object with member variables matching the names of the configured RTDE variables
class rtde_config.ConfigFile(filename)
An RTDE configuration can be loaded from an XML file containing a list of recipes. Each recipe should have a key and a list of field with a variable name and type. An example XML recipe:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <rtde_config> ? <recipe key="out"> ??? <field name="timestamp" type="DOUBLE"/> ??? <field name="target_q" type="VECTOR6D"/> ??? <field name="target_qd" type="VECTOR6D"/> ??? <field name="speed_scaling" type="DOUBLE"/> ??? <field name="output_int_register_0" type="INT32"/> ? </recipe> ? <recipe key="in1"> ??? <field name="input_int_register_0" type="INT32"/> ??? <field name="input_int_register_1" type="INT32"/> ? </recipe> ? <recipe key="in2"> ??? <field name="input_double_register_0" type="DOUBLE"/> ? </recipe> </rtde_config> |
Gets the recipe associated to the specified key given as a list of names and a list of types.
Input parameters:
- key (string): The key associated to the recipe
Return values:
- variables (array<string>): list of variable names
- types (array<string>): list of variable types
class serialize.DataObject():
A data transfer object where the RTDE variable names configured for synchronization has been added to the namespace dictionary of the class for convenient accessing. This means that for example the timestamp can be accessed on an output DataObject like this: objName.timestamp. The DataObject is used for both input and output.
The recipe_id is an integer member variable on the DataObject instance used to identify input packages configured in the RTDE server. It is not used for output packages.
class Rtde.RTDE(hostname, port)
The constructor takes a hostname and port number as arguments.
Input parameters:
- hostname (string): hostname or IP of RTDE server
- port (int): [Optional] port number (default value: 30004)
Initialize RTDE connection to host.
Return value:
- success (boolean)
Close the RTDE connection.
Returns True if the connection is open.
Return value:
- open (boolean)
Returns the software version of the robot controller running the RTDE server.
Return values:
- major (int)
- minor (int)
- bugfix (int)
- build (int)
Negotiate the protocol version with the server. Returns True if the controller supports the specified protocol version. We recommend that you use this to ensure full compatibility between your application and future versions of the robot controller.
Input parameters:
- protocol (int): protocol version number
Return value:
- success (boolean)
send_input_setup(variables, types)
Configure an input package that the external application will send to the robot controller. An input package is a collection of input variables that the external application will provide to the robot controller in a single update. Variables is a list of variable names and should be a subset of the names supported as input by the RTDE interface.The list of types is optional, but if any types are provided it should have the same length as the variables list. The provided types will be matched with the types that the RTDE interface expects and the function returns None if they are not equal. Multiple input packages can be configured. The returned InputObject has a reference to the recipe id which is used to identify the specific input format when sending an update.
Input parameters:
- variables (array<string>): Variable names from the list of possible RTDE inputs
- types (array<string>): [Optional] Types matching the variables
Return value:
- input_data (DataObject): Empty object with member variables matching the names of the configured RTDE variables
send_output_setup(variables, types)
Configure an output package that the robot controller will send to the external application at the control frequency. Variables is a list of variable names and should be a subset of the names supported as output by the RTDE interface. The list of types is optional, but if any types are provided it should have the same length as the variables list. The provided types will be matched with the types that the RTDE interface expects and the function returns False if they are not equal. Only one output package format can be specified and hence no recipe id is used for output.
Input parameters:
- variables (array<string>): Variable names from the list of possible RTDE outputs
- types (array<string>): [Optional] Types matching the variables
Return value:
- success (boolean)
Sends a start command to the RTDE server to initiate the actual synchronization. Setup of all inputs and outputs should be done before starting the synchronization.
Return value:
- success (boolean)
Sends a pause command to the RTDE server to pause the synchronization. When paused it is possible to change the input and output configurations and start the synchronization again.
Return value:
- success (boolean)
Send the contents of a DataObject as input to the RTDE server. Returns True if successful.
Input parameters:
- input_data (DataObject): object with member variables matching the names of the configured RTDE variables
Return value:
- success (boolean)
Blocking call to receive next output DataObject from RTDE server.
Return value:
- output_data (DataObject): object with member variables matching the names of the configured RTDE variables